
Ancient English texts and practices tell us of how we have for centuries, turned to plants and nature for healing. Although I understand I cannot create cures, I believe that harnessing plants within the right forms and being applied to the body with different techniques within the treatments can ease and balance the mind and body.

I am no expert when it comes to growing, but when I moved to the Romney Marsh and had the space I realised my passion for skin and body care could be shared with my love for being outdoors in the garden. I love having a herb garden for growing the plants that I have seen for many years on product labels and that has a very useful purpose to share with others now. Some recipes are changed with the seasons to harness the best of each, but I will always offer a range of different therapies for each body and skin issue.

Oil Infusions

Fresh botanicals and herbs are carefully infused in combined carrier oils to capture the natural therapeutic properties that these plants and oils hold. The carrier oils are mixed blends of fine oils chosen to further benefit the skin and body. The carefully crafted small batch tinctures, balms and infusions are then used within the treatments to help ease, soothe and unwind as they are absorbed through the skin. Pure essential oils and sometimes extracts are added to compliment these blends and weave in an element of healing for the nervous system and emotions. You will go through a short sensory journey with each treatment to allow yourself to choose which one is right for you on the day.

The carrier and essential oils are sourced from small and family run companies in the UK with a strong ethical ethos at the heart of their business.
